Work, that works.

Whether it’s a global brand campaign or highly targeted ABM, effective marketing is a fine balance between strategy, messaging, creativity, operations and execution. We spend the time with clients to really understand their marketing challenges and to develop solutions that truly work. Here’s a small selection of some of our recent work.

Cutting through with a conversation about Generative AI

How do you engage C-suite leaders on a topic they are bombarded with all day, every day and from every angle imaginable?

You show rather than tell, creating a genuinely intriguing and unique experience that can’t fail to pique their human interest.

There’s no more direct way to demonstrate the ability of Gen AI to create business impact from personalised experience than to use it as the basis of the world’s first wholly bespoke art exhibition.*

On behalf of NTT DATA and AWS, we took survey responses from C-Suite prospects and worked hand-in-robotic-hand with Amazon Bedrock to create over 40 custom works of art for them. We then brought them together over drinks and canapes at the Saatchi Gallery to view the results alongside a guest talk by the author of Deepfakes: The Coming Infocalypse, Nina Schick . The outcome? Surprise, joy, human engagement and leads that rapidly converted into at least three deals worth £millions in total.

B2B doesn’t have to be boring to be effective.

*As far as we are aware, at the time of the event there had never been an AI art exhibition in which all works were created bespoke for the attendees.

  • Proposition, messaging and conceptual development

  • Event design and planning

  • Comms planning

  • Creation of all artworks

  • Creation of all event comms (copy and design)

  • Design of event landing pages

  • Design of event dressing

When bringing together a diverse range of services into a new service line, it’s vital that it makes sense to your clients and prospects, not just internal teams.

That’s why Forvis Mazars came to Nyala Marketing to define the proposition, messaging and narrative for their global mobility solution.

By consulting with senior leaders we rapidly prototyped three approaches, then tested and refined them through interviews with clients.

Once we’d settled on the perfect expression that got to both the heart and head of the matter, we wrote the web copy and created print and digital ads to reach the target audience.

Reimagining global mobility services

  • Consultation with Partners through a series of workshop

  • Interviewing of key clients to test draft propositions and creative expressions

  • Creation of a theme and identity

  • Writing of the webpages

  • Creation of digital and print ads

Taking a message of action into retail banks

How do you get retail banks to believe that, unlike the competition, you do more than just talk a good game?

By demonstrating your practical advice, focused on their true commercial challenges.

We conducted a nationally representative survey with end users of banking apps to find out what they love and hate, then provided practical advice on what banks can do to remedy this.

All of this was wrapped up in a playful theme that twisted well-known phrases about action to create a standout, memorable campaign across the thought leadership reports, in-depth videos and light touch social media content.

Shifting perceptions and showing that heavyweight expertise can be delivered with pragmatism and a lightness of tone.

  • Proposition, messaging and conceptual development

  • Comms planning

  • Primary research

  • Creation of white paper

  • Creation of a video series (long-form and social media cuts)

  • Social media campaign