B2B Marketing Leaders’ Toolkit.

Taking on a new marketing leadership role is exciting and daunting.

Whether it’s the first step up from a specific marketing discipline into a generalist role, a move to a new sector, a move to a different type and size of company, or just a step up within the same team to greater responsibility. It shakes up your world with a wealth of opportunity but also myriad pitfalls to skirt around.

As the scope of marketing as a discipline expands, we can’t be experts in all things. It’s just not possible. However, the marketing leader of today and tomorrow needs a real breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills to operate at their best.

That’s why we created the B2B Marketing Leaders’ Toolkit. Here you will find a set of introductions and refreshers to many of the core specialisms and challenges that you’ll face in your new role. For some, these will act as crash courses in new areas, whereas, for others, they will be light refreshers on topics you know but want to brush up on.

They don’t claim to tell you everything you could ever need to know, but they are designed to give a useful broad grounding. Whether you dip into specific topics from time to time, or settle in with a cup of tea for a solid learning session, we hope you find it useful in setting yourself up for success.

We’re adding to the toolkit regularly so check back frequently to stay up to date.

If there are any areas not yet covered currently that you’d like us to produce guides for in the future, please feel free to get in touch with info@nyalamarketing.co.uk.

Good luck!

Primer on Content Marketing
Joseph Minchin Joseph Minchin

Primer on Content Marketing

Learn the basics of content marketing and its importance for B2B companies. Discover how this practice can help you build trust, credibility, and generate leads. In this article, we provide insights on effective content marketing strategies, including knowing your audience, creating a content strategy, focusing on quality, varying formats, and promoting your content. Avoid the common pitfalls of content marketing such as being too promotional and not having a consistent content strategy. Read on to learn how to use content marketing to engage your audience and grow your business.

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